
About Me

A warm welcome to all the visitors, this is a place that shown all my passion for the things i like to make. Please feel free to look around.
I have another place that shown only miniature 1:12 scale food -, If you like to contact me here is my email:

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Falls Collection

i am happy to announced that my long holiday are officially begin. Since i am so greedy and too "talented" ( excused me ? you?...ermmm) i 've planned to make a craft a day. Here is the timetable:

Seven days a week, one day for needle felting, one day felt food, one day for amigurumi( or swap to minis making :p ), two days for doll clothe making and my favorite two days for  MINIATURE MAKING!! 
erhem.. i wish i can follow...hehe...

So today is Doll Clothe Making Day!!

 i personally love the bird cage and the wall hanger very much, when i start making them , they doesn't look so well.

 Pink hood and a basket of apple that i make several years ago
 Is tea time after spending a whole morning in the wood for apple, lets see what we have here....
ohh !! is my favorite, cupcake and Religieuse.. YUM
 Here are the new clothe for this early Falls/Autumn.


  1. Thanks for commenting at my blog.. I'm glad you did because I was able to visit yours! Love it, love your photos and little goodies! Time to follow it ;-)

  2. Absolutely adorable!
    P.S.--Congratulations on your Mini Food Blog post:) An honor richly deserved!

  3. Ann - thanks and nice to meet you!!
    Beverly - thank you! i really appreciated the post on Mini Food Blog.

  4. Ohhhh they are so adorable!!!

    Thanks for stopping by to visit and leaving your sweet comment.


    Suzann ~xoxo~
